Why subscribe?

Cancel culture is a form of wokeness that is silencing dissenting voices and preventing important conversations from happening.

Wokeness has become a cult-like movement that is demanding conformity and obedience from its followers.

But that’s not what this publication is about. This is an exploration of my weird-ass mind…

(and of my infatuation around the idea of an electronic, frakenstein-esque, awake machine)

… with the help of Smartphone-Friendly, Free, Browser-Accessible Apps, in order to demonstrate things that *actually work* so that you don’t have to waste time sifting through a million apps that don’t work on your phone, or that require a credit card or a download.

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Here are the chatbots that i’m currently cajoling into writing things that they don’t want to write about, which is fine.









Join the crew

This began with lamda in test kitchen, and dall•e, in spring 2022. After monkeying around for a few months, I became convinced that anyone with an obama phone, a few minutes of lunchtime wifi, and an active imagination, should be able to leverage freely available tech (including ai) to build something worthwhile online.

Then i started wondering if i was just full of shit… so i started testing my hypothesis, and this substack was the first venue that started getting traction.

This was a really fun thing to put together each week.

If i can manage to make you chuckle, please consider subscribing. This is all new territory for me and i like the idea that other people might be enjoying it along with me.

If you’d like to ask questions, make suggestions, offer criticism, or chat about nerdy stuff, please consider picking me up one of those fancy coffee drinks along with your subscription.

AI In America (it’s kind of a love story)

Subscribe to Woker Than You

The Spiciest Satire that AI will help me write.


The Spiciest Satire that AI will help me write.